Created in a matter of weeks for the Adobe Max 2010 conference in Los Angeles, Disconnected was one of the first realtime 3D demos to use the Flash Player’s new Stage3D APIs (codenamed “Molehill” at the time). Work was carried out in an ad-hoc exploration of ideas with a production team formed from 3D engine authors Away3D and finnish demosceners EvoFlash.
The demo was hacked together using a combination of old and new Away3D code, under the creative tutelage of demoscene veteran Simo Santavirta. Here is what he had to say about the pressures of a fast turnaround coupled with a group of highly talented individuals:
With a bunch like this the project can turn into a mayhem of creative vortex and epic battle of toes stepping. So I thought it would be essential to get everybody into same state of mind. We started by getting an agreement on the rough synopsis. After the “rough synopsis”-project (which contained a stack of extremely bizarre emails with colorful adjectives and naive romantic thoughts) I created a visual moodboard and color schema for us. When it comes to creating a demo all this preparation is good, but hardly never shape the demo too much. The final result will be what comes out after endless testing and rethinking. The best things comes out from flow and flow can be achieved by working around the subject. For coders this means coding, testing, failing, coding, thinking, playing, coding, failing, coding and enlightenment.
Sadly the final live piece is no longer available online as the Flash Player on which it ran was an experimental version.