Away Studios at Reasons to be Creative

This coming week, Away Studios will be heading down to participate at the Reasons to be Creative conference in Brighton. Rob will be giving a talk on some of the new areas of development we’ve been working on in Stage3D and WebGL. New Adventures in 3D takes a holistic look at the potential of accelerated graphics on the web today, following how things have changed – even in recent months – and talking a look at some of the related experiments him and his team have been busy with over the last year.


Away Studios at Digital Shoreditch

The Digital Shoreditch festival has kicked off this week and involves many different production / media / advertising / tech companies from in and around the London area.

We’re pleased to say that Away Studios will be involved this year – as part of the Make & Do event on Saturday & Sunday.

Make & Do is the name for this year’s create-a-thon, which encourages two days of concentrated creative thinking applied to various set challenges. Our founder Rob Bateman will be participating as one of the speakers / assistants on the tasks, bringing our own unique brand of 3D know-how to what should be a packed event. Looking forward to making a few new acquaintances amid the chaos 😉